The Study Group

update: the study group is on a break, but the prior meetings are recorded and available for purchase. See below.

For people who want a deeper, regular engagement with the Enneagram, I am hosting a study group for deep dives into Enneagram and inner work with others, beginning with my book, The Instinctual Drives and the Enneagram. This group is fairly informal, meeting once a week.
It is paid for by a suggested donation of $15 or more via venmo or paypal.
We practice, study, discuss, and share in support of mutual learning.

If you want access to all meetings on Chapter 1, 2, and 3 (16 classes total, each about 1.5 hours of content), it’s $150.
Generally, each meeting is on Sunday at 4 pm ET, but subject to change for scheduling.
Please e-mail me if you decide to attend.
Prior meetings are recorded and can be access with a password.
Let me know if you’ve paid and I’ll send you the passwords.

Click here for the Study Group Zoom